Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why I Was Probably Born in the Wrong Era...

These aren't in any particular order.
1.Suitcases- Old suitcases are way cooler than new ones. The only downside to the old ones is that you can't roll them. Everything else = better. The beautiful lining, and mesh pockets, the hard exterior...
2.Wedgwood engagement ring- I came across a few of these beauts on ebay, and wow. They are gorgeous. They're so feminine, and so beautiful. The few that I've seen have all been the daisies line of Wedgwood (which they recreated in the 70's I believe). Don't get me wrong, I love my engagement ring, these are just so different from what you usually see. Plus, they're Wedgwood which means they are awesome.
3.Aprons- Women used to wear aprons all the time, and it wasn't because they were in the kitchen, it used to be a staple clothing item around the house. And these aprons were gorgeous, they were delicate and floaty. I love me some vintage aprons.
4.Books- Those books that we now call "Classics" how cool would it have been to have them when they were contemporary? I submit that it would have been AMAZING. I would love to read a chapter of "Great Expectations" a week in a periodical!

Am I weird? I think that the answer is yes. I would love it if some of these things came back into "normal" modern society!

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