Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February is National Embroidery Month!

Who knew? I only recently discovered my love of embroidery. I've been cross-stitching for a while, but had never really tried embroidery. Then, in December I believe, I decided (on a whim) to try it.

In a lot of ways it's easier than cross-stitching, you don't have to have a pattern out in front of you because it's already on the fabric (you can buy the fabric printed, or you can trace (or draw) your pattern on yourself), and the colors are completely up to you!

If you enjoy sewing take a whack at it, you never know if you're going to like something until you try it!

*I have no idea why the picture is so stinking HUGE! I made it as small as possible, but for some reason or other this is the size. This is my current bird embroidery, I have four done, and eventually will have enough to quilt a throw blanket! I can't wait!*

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